Scheduled Transactions Question

JWatYahooGroups yhg at
Wed Aug 31 07:22:20 EDT 2011

Mybe I'm being naive, but could you just schedule a separate $1 
fixed-amount transaction for the same payment cycle as the mortgage? or 
*must* it be one of the splits for some reason?

At 01:08 AM 8/31/2011, David T. wrote:
>I have a scheduled transaction for my mortgage that uses formulae to 
>calculate the amounts of the principle and interest on the payment. 
>However, in addition to this, my bank charges a $1 transaction fee for 
>automatically making the payment. Every time I try to add this payment 
>amount to the scheduled transaction, however, Gnucash tells me: "The 
>Scheduled Transaction Editor cannot automatically balance this 
>transaction. Should it still be entered?" I do not know what to answer to 
>this question, and so I always say No.
>Before anyone asks, I have tried modifying the payment formula to include 
>adding one (dollar) to the formula, along with a separate one dollar split 
>for the transaction fee into an expense account. I have also tried adding 
>a separate transaction to the template, adding a single split transaction 
>from the asset account to the expense account. Both yield the same result.
>Interestingly, I note that this transaction template has column headings 
>"Debit Formula/Credit Formula", while other scheduled transactions have 
>"Tot Funds In/Tot Funds Out" column headings.
>Am I to assume that Gnucash expects or requires all splits on a formulaic 
>scheduled transaction to be formulas? If so, is there a way to create a 
>"formula" for a $1 transaction fee? If not, can someone explain to me how 
>I should do this correctly?
>I am using 2.4.5 on a Mac.
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