Another one unhappy with quickfill

Mike C. subscribe307 at
Sun Jan 16 18:24:48 EST 2011

I am tired of hearing people complain about some minor feature with GC. 
It is a great program supported by volunteers and may not be perfect for
every individual.  About quickfill, I think it is great most of the time
and very little inconvenience when it isn't.
Thanks developers

On 1/16/2011 4:55 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, January 16, 2011 5:34 pm, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 14:07:17 -0800
>> Robert Plantz <rgplantz at> wrote:
>>> On 1/16/2011 10:41 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
>>>> On Sunday 16 January 2011, Paul Abrahams wrote:
>>>>> Derek asked, "What is it about quickfill that you don't like?"
>>>>> Well, sometimes it will create a split transaction because I once
>>>>> had one but don't want one any longer.  And filling in a  split
>>>>> when it really isn't one is a lot of unnecessary work.  Even making
>>>>> the split go away is unnecessary labor.
>>>> Quite frankly, you're the second person I hear complaining about it.
>>>> I have some difficulty calling that "many".
>>> I'll increase the number of complaints by 50% by becoming the third
>>> person. :-)
>>> My only complaint is with quickfill creating a split when the last
>>> transaction with the same name was a split.
>> Make that 4. While I find it quite useful for non-split transactions, I
>> find it a total nuisance when it happens to create a split when I don't
>> want to create a split. Then it is a hassle getting rid of the split.
> Why it is really that hard to Right Click -> Delete Transaction Splits ?
> For the record, I find quickfill and autocomplete useful about 99.99% of
> the time.  For that .01% that my last transaction was a split and the new
> one isn't I'm happy to spend the extra 15 seconds to clear it out..  Much
> better than having to re-create some of my complicated split transactions
> every time!
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> -derek
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