Is there a way to "Clear all contents/delete all transactions" for a fresh start?

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Mon Jan 17 06:35:48 EST 2011

On Monday 17 January 2011, picghaw wrote:
> Quick ?. Normally I go thru the pain of creating a new gnu-cash file each
> year with adding new accounts, re-arranging default accounts etc. Is there
> a way for me to start with an existing file and "delete all
> transactions/clear all contents"  instead of the the more tedious way.
> Thanks.

Heh, strictly speaking, the accounts are part of the contents so clear all 
contents should remove those as well ;)

But for what you want, you can try
File -> Export -> Export Accounts.

This will create a new file with only your chart of accounts in it, no 
transactions or anything else.


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