Changing the HOME folder in 2.4.0

Jessica Parsons jmparsons at
Fri Jan 21 00:48:21 EST 2011

OK, I guess I solved my own problem.  I was almost there when I posted, but
for some reason, I didn't think the path syntax would change from what it
was in gnucash.cmd.  I looked closer, and changed the syntax to match what
was being used in the environment file, and it worked!  Basically, I simply
entered this line:


I'd be happy to add directions for doing this to the wiki, but I'm not quite
sure where it would belong.  Any suggestions for an appropriate location?

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Jessica Parsons <jmparsons at>wrote:

> In 2.2.9 (on Windows 7), I didn't like having all of the .gconf, etc.
> folders cluttering my user folder.  So, I learned how to redirect where
> those folders were created, by entering the following commands into
> gnucash.cmd:
> set HOME=C:\New\Path
> mkdir %HOME%
> Now, I see that the gnucash.cmd file is no longer in use, and I've found in
> this thread (
> that these variables are now set in etc\gnucash\environment.  I was able to
> open and edit the environment file, but I can't figure out what to enter to
> change where the ".folders" are stored.
> Could someone help me out?
> Thanks!
> Jessica

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