Error installing 2.4.7 msg

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue Jul 5 03:29:43 EDT 2011

On maandag 4 juli 2011, Steve Juniper wrote:
> Installing 2.4.7 to replace 2.4.3 (with 2.4.3 not running) in XP
> toward end of installation got msg: Error
> C:\.....files\gnucash\share\locale\OK\LC_MESSAGES\
> An error occurred while trying to rename file in the distribution
> directory: The process cannot accehe file because it is being used by
> another process.
This sounds like Windows thinks GnuCash was still running while you tried to 
install the new version even though you claim it was not. I've experienced 
this as well from time to time. I don't know why.

> Gave choices abort, retry, and ignore. I chose retry, same thing
> happened so I aborted installation. However, I tried running GC and it
> seems OK, with 2.4.7 being installed.
> Is this a problem?
Yes, you now have a mix of files from GnuCash 2.4.3 and 2.4.7. The safest 
thing to do is to reboot your PC to reset all file locks and then run the 
installer again. That should fix it.


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