OFX - can get accounts, but not transactions

Nathan Stewart swarfrat at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 12:52:02 EDT 2011

Ok - I had to delete the user and recreate it, and it does appear to be
working now. Sorry for being dense - would be nice though if you could see
whats in them *** fields it fills in for you though.

libgwenhywfar6 4.0.3-1ubuntu2
libgnutls26    2.8.6-1ubuntu2

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Michael Alan Dorman <
mdorman at ironicdesign.com> wrote:

> Nathan Stewart <therealnathanstewart at gmail.com> writes:
> > And just in case it's relevant - Ubuntu Natty Narwhal, libaqofxconnect7
> > 5.0.2, libofx4 v0.9.4, gnucash 2.4.2, all stock from repos.
> I was recently having problems of a not entirely dissimilar nature on
> Debian, and I believe it was updates of libgwenhwyfar and gnutls and
> solved it for me.
> Mike.

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