Problems trying to get currency separator correct for CAD

bunk3m bunk3m at
Thu Jul 21 14:54:27 EDT 2011

Hi Warlord.

If this is bug in  the locale configuration, then why do Excel, SEE
Finance, Libreoffice-Calc etc. etc. all use the proper currency
separator (ie. "dot")? 

If the locale had a bug then the other programs would also use "comma"
just like Gnucash.   Yes???


On 21.07.2011 14:31, Derek Atkins wrote:
> "Vasyĺ V. Vercynśkyj" <fuckel at> writes:
>> 20.07.2011 21:13, bunk3m wrote:
>>> I'm using Gnucash 2.4.7 on OSX 10.5.8.
>>> I've been searching but not found how to change the "," (comma) to "."
>>> (decimal) to separate the dollars and cents.  This is not the standard
>>> for Canada (English speaking Canada anyway.  Not sure what our
>>> Francophone cousins use...)
>> […]
>> And I sure that decimal separator for Russia (in accordance with
>> national standard) is comma, but Gnucash insistently inserts periods
>> in spite of:
>> $ echo $LANG
>> ru_RU.UTF-8
>> The bug was registered almost four month ago but nobody cares:
> This would be a bug in the locale configuration, not a bug in GnuCash.
> GnuCash just uses what the locale says to use.
> -derek

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