How do I assign US Schedule C tax categories to transactions

David T. sunfish62 at
Tue May 3 14:10:40 EDT 2011

--- On Tue, 5/3/11, Leslie Hendelman <lesliehendelman at> wrote:

> From: Leslie Hendelman <lesliehendelman at>
> Subject: Re: How do I assign US Schedule C tax categories to transactions
> To: gnucash-user at
> Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 10:50 AM
> Dear Alex:
> Thanks for the message.  What I understand about that
> is to set up
> individual Expense accounts and Income accounts for each
> (usually
> repetitive) item, for example, cell phone, office rent,
> cleaning, etc.,
> supplies, and 1099 Income, individual patient pay income,
> etc.
> Then, after importing transactions to my bank accounts, I
> can use these
> other accounts to assign "splits".
> When you talk about "splits" you lose me.  I don't
> know what that means.  On
> a typical, for example, Quicken-type, transaction, a split
> is an amount that
> is assigned to a certain category, like the amount of a
> deposit is $1,000,
> and there are 3 splits, $300, $500 and $200, which are
> individually "split"
> off.  Is that what you mean?
> thank you,
> Leslie


That is what Alex meant. Quicken "categories" equate (essentially) to Gnucash "accounts". For an explanation of Gnucash splits, see

You might also read the Guide in general, as it introduces a lot of concepts that help users understand Gnucash better.


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