Invoice image scaling problem

Axel Essbaum axel at
Fri May 6 16:41:47 EDT 2011

FWIW, this happens with both the Macports-built version of Gnucash 2.4.5 and the 2.4.5 package from Sourceforge.

- Axel

On May 6, 2011, at 22:27 , Axel Essbaum wrote:

> I've been using Gnucash 2.2.9 under OSX 10.6 for about a year.  I create invoices using a style sheet that includes a Heading Banner image (Heading Alignment: Center).
> I just built Gnucash 2.4.5 (OSX 10.6.7) and find that the images on my invoices are now being scaled 2x.  The edges of the images are pixelated, looking like a simple 2x scaling was done.
> Is this expected in 2.4.5?  Can I turn it off?  I could just make a new 1/2 size version of my logo, but that won't help the pixelated edges.
> Thanks for any help,
> - Axel
> --
> Axel Essbaum
> axel at

Axel Essbaum
axelessbaum at

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