Generating a unique transaction number

Maf King maf at
Mon May 9 05:00:22 EDT 2011

On Monday 09 May 2011 08:37:02 foxylady337 wrote:
> Good to know I'm not unique!
> Seriously, though, if there's no intrinsic support for a transaction number
> within GNUCash, how do other users manage to organise and file all the
> unnumbered vouchers that comprise the vast bulk of day-to-day activity in
> my domestic accounts?


I file the accomanying paperwork for credit card transactions etc, firstly by 
account and then by date, and then group to match statements when they arrive.

At the end of a financial year, I'll have upto 12 bundles of reciepts etc. 
(paperclipped together) for each card I've used during the year, and each 
bundle will be in the same order that items appear on the statement, which 
corresponds roughly to the date order in GC.

Don't really see how having an extra "system number" to identify a reciept 
really adds useful info over date/retailer/total.  I would say that it would 
be highly unlikely for me that 2 txns would duplicate those 3 pieces of info 
exactly, but YMMV of course (and whatever the Tax authorities stipulate, but 
you did say domestic!)


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