Scanning A Recipt

Michael Miller mrmsudawgs at
Mon May 9 16:56:31 EDT 2011

> I've got $10 and a reason...I kept all my maintenance record/receipts
>> attached to the transaction in Quicken and I scanned any receipt that was
>> required for warranty purposes on things like computers, TV's, etc.  A very
>> hand option.
>> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Michael DeBusk <mdebusk at>wrote:
>>> "David T." <sunfish62 at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >This one's been around for five years.
>>> I don't know if I'd use this feature or not, and how often I'd use it if
>>> I did. It seems to me to be such a useful thing in general, though, that I'd
>>> like to see it implemented.
>>> If there's a way to pledge money toward a bounty, I'll put in ten USD.
>>> Anyone else?
>>> --
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