Process Payment

Maris maris.rob at
Tue May 17 03:41:45 EDT 2011

On Tue, 17 May 2011 09:07:51 +0200, Geert Janssens  
<janssens-geert at> wrote:

> There is currently no integration between the business functions and the
> import functions. That means there is also no way to link payments  
> directly to
> a bill from the import screens or otherwise. The only way to create  
> payments
> is via the Process Payment window.
> Geert

Thanks, Geert, for responding.

I think that implementing this anyway wouldn't be that simple. E.g.  
through automatic assignment of payments to bills via reconciliation  
(ticking of associated pairs in the A/P-account). This is true, because  
payments via e.g. bank account, where an A/P account is assigned as target  
do not appear into the reconciliation list, until they are marked as payed  
via the payment dialog (chicken-egg problem).

I'd assign such a feature as a feature request, but not after having an  
impression about possible realisation ideas through other people's  
opinions. Note that the import function is not relevant in this respect,  
since online-banking could also be a source of newly inserted records  
where bill payments are present.


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