Trouble With "Enter" vs. "Tab" (Again)

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Nov 14 16:10:02 EST 2011

On Nov 14, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Liz wrote:

> I'm pleased they are still there, but I don't see them. I run into this
> problem on auto-fill transactions -think fuel or groceries where you
> repeatedly go the same place and buy a variety of things whose total is
> always different.
> Date > grocery store > tab > change $ value and if its a split then next I
> have an imbalance account.
> To a later question of why delete? When the imbalance accounts are gone I
> have removed the errors.
You don't see them because you're not in split view, and when it's a "split transaction" (which can be a bit
confusing -- it means a transaction with more than two splits) Gnucash doesn't know how to allocate among the splits, 
so it changes only the value in the split for the current account.

It would probably be better to automatically open split view for the transaction so that you can balance the splits 

John Ralls

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