Off topic- Intuit logging in to my bank account?

Casey Cichon casey at
Tue Oct 4 11:27:35 EDT 2011

On 10/4/2011 9:47 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Tue, 04 Oct 2011 09:19:14 -0400 peace at wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I've sadly discovered that my bank account has been logged into by IP
>> addresses associated with Intuit at Mountain View, CA
>> This has been occurring consistently every 7 days for the past 12 weeks.
>> I used to use Quicken and Windows but haven't used either for around 2
>> years (and don't want to).
>> Does anyone have any idea why Intuit would be logging into my account?
> The 'Why' is irrelavant.  You should:
> 1) Let your bank know what is going on.  And/or confront Intuit. Either
> Intuit's corporate network has been hacked (!) or Intuit has stashed your
> password, etc. from when you were using Quicken and Windows back 2 years
> ago (and is checking to see it you are still using a *bootleg* copy of
> Quicken).  Either of these is bad and probably violates various business
> ethics or implies serious problems with Intuit's IT dept.
> 2) *CHANGE* your password, etc.!
While I agree that 1 is a possibility and 2 should definitely should be 
done.  It could be that the original poster has a account. is now owned by Intuit.


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