Spam:********, Re: Bugzilla

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sat Oct 8 07:44:53 EDT 2011

(Sorry, I forgot to cc the list in my original reply)

On zaterdag 8 oktober 2011, Colin Scott wrote:
> > Ever considered that devs are users as well ? In the scenario I
> > used, the dev is *using* gnucash, so the bug he hits is very user
> > visible. So by your own logic it only makes sense this bug gets
> > high priority.
> Of course - but I rather suspect that the devs are way outnumbered by all
> the non-dev users.
That's true. The unfortunate thing about bugzilla is that it doesn't provide 
some metric to see how often a bug is actually encountered by any user (be it 
an original developer or another user).

The only thing that gives a vague idea is the amount of "me too" comments and 
even that is a very poor statistic.

Other than that, a very vocal user can make a small bug appear as a huge bad 
thing, while another user that's less vocal may have a more serious bug but 
doesn't complain.

Which one should be dealt with first ?

I'm just trying to point out that setting priorities objectively is not as 
straightforward as it may seem.

And that's actually the only point I'm trying to make. Other than that, I 
invite as many users as possible to help triaging existing bugs. I'll do my 
part wherever I can.

Anything else we can ask ?


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