file extensions

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at
Tue Oct 18 16:03:04 EDT 2011

Geert Janssens wrote:
> On dinsdag 18 oktober 2011, Harold wrote:
>> I have read the faqs about the file extensions from version 2.3.15
>> on. Is there a way in version 2.4.7 to save the data file without
>> an extension?
> No, that option is no longer available. The Linux and Windows (and
> perhaps OS X as well) require the file extension to properly
> associate your data file with gnucash.

In my Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7, my Gnucash file is:

-rw-r----- 1 jeandavid8 jeandavid8 688894 Oct 16 17:07 JeanDavid.2006

The .2006 extension is the year I started that file, that I made up and
used. Linux and UNIX do not use file extensions, though it is legal to
have a . (or more than one dot) in a filename.

If I ask it what the file types are in that directory, it says, in part,

JeanDavid.2006:                    gzip compressed data, from Unix
JeanDavid.2006.20110916120424.log: ASCII text
JeanDavid.2006.20110916120512.xac: gzip compressed data, from Unix

It can infer the file types of many files (those, especially, that have
the magic numbers in the first few bytes of a file), but it never (as
far as I know) uses "extensions" to infer contents of files.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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