Back up copies

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue Oct 25 03:09:10 EDT 2011

On dinsdag 25 oktober 2011, Colin Law wrote:
> On 24 October 2011 11:15, Hilary Hirtes <hhirtes at> wrote:
> > I have installed Gnu cash to my note book and have copied my files over
> > from my PC.  Unfortunately I cannot load my most recently saved files -
> > they all come up as archived files and attempting to extract them
> > results in an error message.  My PC files now have the same fault.
> I guess you are trying to open the files by clicking on them.  Try
> opening GnuCash and use File > Open to browse to the file and open it.
Alternatively, add the .gnucash extension to your files. Then double-clicking 
should work fine. Without a .gnucash file extension, your file manager will 
think the file is indeed a compressed xml.

GnuCash versions prior to 2.4 didn't enforce an extension, which could get you 
into this situation.

If you create a new data file with GnuCash 2.4 or later, the .gnucash 
extension will be added automatically.


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