What's the symbol for the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Wed Sep 14 20:13:19 EDT 2011

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:40:04 -0500
David Carlson <carlson.dl at sbcglobal.net> dijo:

>>> I've tried DJI and DJIA to no success.

>On 8/30/2011 11:57 PM, Mike Roberts wrote:
>> If you are using Yahoo to retrieve, it would be ^DJI.  You can go to
>> finance.yahoo.com then search for any index.  That would probably
>> work with other quote services.

>Invariably, when I click get prices, I get the error:
>Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:
>Continue using only the good quotes?

I haven't tried this in GnuCash, but I have the same problem in a Gnome
panel applet called Invest. Curiously, ^IXIC does display the Nasdaq,
it's just ^DJI that does not work. Invest doesn't give me any error
messages; it just fails to display the line for the Dow Jones. And
Invest gets its data from Yahoo, so the source of the issue is probably
the same as it is for those having trouble with GnuCash.

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