Imbalance account
anne.khangura at
anne.khangura at
Thu Apr 5 12:08:57 EDT 2012
Hi Derek
thanks for the reply. I imported as a qif file, then allocated the
transactions after they were imported. Funny thing is that I've done it
before without this happening, and of course you don't notice it unless you
look at the Chart of Accoutns
-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Atkins
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:55 PM
To: Mrs Millipot
Cc: gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: Imbalance account
Mrs Millipot <anne.khangura at> writes:
> I've started using Gnucash recently, and have found it remarkable easy to
> follow. I've used Quicken and MYOB previously, as well as some
> industry-specific programmes.
> Here's my question: after importing bank transactions (easily) so that I
> can reconcile the bank accounts, and concluded this successfully, I find
> all
> the transactions are also in the Imbalance Account in the Chart of
> Accounts.
> All transactions were allocated to the respective income/expense accounts
> when imporint.
> Where have I gone wrong?
Which import mechanism did you use, and how did you allocate to the
respective inc/exp accounts? Having the Imbalance account filled as you
describe implies that this allocation did not happen properly during
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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