puzzled about time_zone

president ccj presidentccj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 05:28:41 EDT 2012

> Hi,
> I use Mysql to store data when using  gnucash ,and I find the field
>  post_date and end_date  of transactions table are  8 hours less  than it
> seems to be.

eg.SELECT  guid,post_date,enter_date  from transactions;
> f7f36298716f8ec016ed67e2441b4cac  2012-02-28 16:00:00 2012-04-10 01:49:13
> but the post_date and enter_date should be 2012-02-29 and 2012-04-10
> 09:49:13
> and mysql time_zone is set to '+8:00'.
>                                                                  thanks.

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