Testing reports

Stuart McGraw smcg4191 at frii.com
Wed Apr 18 11:25:36 EDT 2012

On 04/18/2012 06:53 AM, Colin Scott wrote:
>> I haven't demanded anything, as it happens.
> Very few people in here do, but a somewhat hostile response is not entirely unusual anyway ...

Colin: while you started out with (perhaps excessively ardent)
advocacy, you have since crossed the line into simple bashing.
At this point I consider your posts to be ordinary trolling
and not worth responding to.

However this one I just want to say for the record that I
have always found the developer response on this list to be 
decidedly non-hostile (as is the general tone of communication 
here usually.)  The Gnucash community seems to me above average
in that regard.  This entire thread started with developers 
responding favorably to your (and Layman's, assuming you are 
not a sock puppet for him) request for better testing of 

Despite your pontificating on how open source software "should" 
work, you really don't seem to know much about it at all.  Your 
mis-characterization of this list is but one example.  Try making
similar posts in the Perl or Cygwin maillists and compare the 
responses you get there with those you've received here. 

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