Transaction report pass through accounts payable

Maf. King maf at
Wed Apr 25 04:18:12 EDT 2012

On Tue 24 April 12 15:06:23 Nate Dudenhoeffer wrote:
> I use gnucash for business accounting, and am trying to create a report
> from my main checking account, which shows the "other account" for each
> transaction.  Of course, showing splits.  The problem is the majority of my
> transactions have "Accounts Payable" as the "other account."  How can I
> generate a report which will show the splits defined on the bills for each
> transaction in my checking account?

Hi Nate,

If I understand you correctly, then I don't think you can get exactly what you 
want reported.

I think that you are trying to subtotal several different Expenses accounts, 
based on transactions from your Bank to the A/P account.

So you have bill recorded in A/P, for £150, which is split as;

Expenses:Widgets   £100
Expenses:BitsNBobs £50.

But all you see in the bank account is £150 -> A/P.

I can't think of a way for a report to "link" a payment of a bill with the 
contents of that bill.  The bank account only knows about £150, there is no 
information about how that 150 is allocated.  That info is only in the A/P 

Maybe you can get something from the transaction report, running on the A/P 
account and bank account, but filtering out transactions between the two and 
subtotalling by "other account" 

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