Scheduled transaction issue

Donald Allen donaldcallen at
Mon Apr 30 17:25:47 EDT 2012

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 3:57 PM, John Ralls <jralls at> wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Donald Allen wrote:
>> My gnucash data is sitting in postgres on a Linux system. I normally
>> access it by running gnucash (2.4.10) on the same system. I have a
>> number of scheduled transactions that are set up to happen near the
>> end of every month. A number of those transactions got recorded
>> yesterday, as a result of my running gnucash.
>> My wife runs Windows 7 on her laptop, and I've installed gnucash
>> 2.4.10 on her machine. I've pointed it at the postgres server on the
>> Linux machine mentioned above. This setup is new (I had previously
>> been working with .xml files). She and I were just working on her
>> machine, looking at some financial matters with gnucash. But when I
>> started gnucash on her machine, it offered to enter the same scheduled
>> transactions that had happened yesterday when I ran gnucash on my
>> Linux box. I declined the offer, of course, and then verified that I
>> was seeing the transactions that had been entered yesterday on the
>> Linux system. They were there. This feels like a bug, a serious one.
>> Thinking about what might cause this incorrect behavior makes me
>> wonder where the information about what scheduled transactions have
>> been run is stored. Is it stored in the database itself, as I would
>> expect, since the fact that the transactions have been entered is a
>> property of the data, not of a particular user or gnucash instance. Or
>> is it stored in individual home directories in, say, ~/.gnucash
>> directories (or whatever the analogous place is in the Windows world)?
>> If the latter, that would explain this behavior, but there are other
>> possible explanations, so I'm indulging in speculation here. So I'll
>> stop and turn this question over to people who actually understand the
>> code.
> Odd indeed. The last-run date is stored in a normal table in the database and on my main accounts (kept in SQLite), it appears to be posted correctly.
> Does "select name, last_occur from schedxactions;" produce sensible results?

Yes. Two transactions that it offered to enter today were entered on
2012-04-28. Bizarre. I just tried it on another Windows 7 laptop and
got the same result as I did with my wife's machine -- it asked me to
allow it to enter transactions that were entered on 4/28. This is is a
bug. I will try this with a Gnucash instance running on Linux, but
pointed at the same database server as the Windows machines, to see if
this is Windows-specific.


> Regards,
> John Ralls

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