Missing menus

Joe Miller admin at jolyonmiller.co.uk
Tue Aug 7 17:01:09 EDT 2012

On 07/08/12 14:01, Derek Atkins wrote:
> So you're saying you DID update packages on your system?  Which packages
> did you update between when it worked and when it didn't work?

Nothing obvious, I've installed thinkfan, but that's about it. Synaptics 
history says that nothing has been amended since then. I felt sure I'd 
done more updates than history is reporting though!
> Are there any other Gtk-2 apps on your system?

Yes, I have avidemux and computer-janitor which are both working fine

> ??  1.7.4?  That's clearly not a GnuCash version, so I have no idea what
> you're talking about.

Sorry, I meant 2.4.7 as I said at the top of the post.

Thanks for your help. I think i'm going to upgrade and see what happens 


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