Starting balance off

Ira Fuchs irafuchs at
Sun Aug 12 14:44:22 EDT 2012

yes,I tried that..Thanks.

Krzysztof Harwas <krishh61 at> wrote:

Just a thought; have you tried to run ACTIONS -> CHECK & REPAIR -> CHECK AND REPAIR ALL ?


2012/8/12 Fuchs Ira <irafuchs at>

Painful though it may be, I threw in the towel and added a fictitious withdrawal transaction to correct the starting balance. I could not find any error in any of the reconciled transactions that would indicate it had been changed after reconciliation. Of course, as pointed out, the changed transaction could be from anytime and while I was able to check all of last month's transactions from when the account was last reconciled, I am not prepared to recheck a year's worth.

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