Cannot open imported accounts

John Ralls jralls at
Sat Aug 18 20:11:15 EDT 2012

On Aug 18, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Martin Millage <millagemartin at> wrote:

> After downloading and installing on my Mac, I imported my current Quicken data.  It imported without a problem.  After exploring a bit, I closed the accounts window.  To my surprise, the entire app shut down (not standard Macintosh behavior).
> When I reopened gnucash, my accounts did not open, and I could not find them anywhere on my file system.  So I reimported, assuming that I needed to save explicitly when I created the new account.  After reimporting, I went to save, but that option was disabled.  So I tried the next trick, using save as to find out where the file is stored.  No luck.  None of the files could be opened by gnucash.
> Where is the file stored, and how do I open it?  Most applications will either open with the last file used, or at least have a recently used file list.  What am I doing wrong, that the imported accounts don't seem to be saved?
> I tried to access the FAQ or wiki on line, but either the server is down, or the links on the main site are broken.

The server's down.

Gnucash, as is explained in the Readme file, is not a native Mac application and it doesn't behave like one in some subtle ways. That it doesn't stay open when you close its window is one of them -- but it should have prompted you to save your data.

The "Save" icon and menu item shouldn't be disabled, though, if you have a "dirty" file -- unless you've already saved once using the sql backend; then Gnucash saves as you work and explicit saves aren't required. That's not likely what happened in your case, though.

Had you done that, though -- or in any way successfully saved your first attempt -- Gnucash would have automatically opened that file when you restarted it, so we can assume that the first attempt wasn't in fact saved.

When you selected "Save As", were you then able to select a folder and a filename and save your file?

John Ralls

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