Split transactions

C. Andrews Lavarre alavarre at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 14:07:35 EST 2012

Hi, I've noted a curiosity that I can't yet pin down:

+ Sometimes Alt-A,P opens a split transaction window
+ Sometimes Alt-A,P just opens the Actions dropdown menu

It's the same in any account, so not account specific. I checked the
preferences for Register settings and saw nothing to that effect.
Googling sheds no light either.

In either case, the Actions menu does *not *have an underlined *p *in
"Split Transaction"

It had been working today in the first case. I rebooted the machine for
other reasons and restarted GnuCash. At that point it worked as the
second case. So I closed GnuCash and restarted it, now it works as with
the first case.

Nobiggie, but an curious artifact...

TIA, Andy

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