Unable to receive quote for CURRENCY:EUR

Johnny yggdrasil at gmx.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 15:08:28 EST 2012

Mike Alexander <mta at umich.edu> writes:

> Sorry, you need to first apply the patch I just attached to
> <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=56469>.  This patch is
> so old I thought it was in the current version, but it's not even in
> the GIT repository yet.  F::Q is essentially a dead project.

Thanks for the help Mike, now I have successfully patched my
Finance::Quote module!

For reference, I summarise how I got it done below.

1) I started by locating my Finance::Quote module (on Fedora 16) by
| sudo find / -iname "Quote.pm"
It turns out Fedora puts this in /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl.

2) I then verified that Finance::Quote is of version 1.17 by examining
the file and searching for "version".

3) The first patch to apply is the old one as Mike pointed out, attached
again here for completeness. I changed into the
/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl directory (i.e. the parent of the
Finance/Quote.pm directory as returned by find). I had to edit the patch
file to remove the initial part of the filename the patch is pointing to
as my Financ/Quote was not in the same path as specified, i.e. only
"Finance/Quote.pm" remains as filename, before applying the patch command.
| patch -p0 < /path/to/the/patch/Quote.pm.diff

4) Then I applied Mikes provided patches, also attached below for
completeness. I again edited the patch targets as above to correct the
target directory, and applied the same command, still in the parent
directory of "Finance/Quote.pm"
| patch -p0 < /path/to/the/patch/currency1.diff
| patch -p0 < /path/to/the/patch/currency2.diff

(DISCLAIMER: I haven't yet tested the patched version as I did this over
ssh without a GUI to run gnucash, but if I don't reappear it probably
works :))

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