modification required in - amfiindia seems to have changed format.

aitrivra aitrivra at
Wed Feb 15 09:38:59 EST 2012


I sometimes update my indian mutual fund NAV data from "Get Quotes" in
the price editor. The updating is from amfiindia nav pages -, and i assume that module (perl/site/lib/finance/quote/ is
involved in the nav download and quote update process. It worked
perfectly upto last year but now i find that none of the mutual funds
are updated... I get message

Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:  AMFI:108800
.......................Continue using only the good quotes?

i have noticed that the nav data at amfiindia now has two additional
fields - both ISIN numbers - in addition to the earlier fields of
Scheme Code;Scheme Name;Net Asset Value;Repurchase Price;Sale
Price;Date etc.

perhaps the indiamutual module needs to be edited - minor editing - to
locate the nav and work again.
Someone please give me the solution? I am just a user of gnucash and
do understand the perl syntax and symbols. I am sure a very minor
modification should do the trick.


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