Simple Android expense tracker

Gour gour at
Mon Jan 2 02:03:30 EST 2012

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:15:54 +0200
Sebastian Gurgul <pl.tierra at> wrote:

Hello Sebastian,

> I created a simple Android app to track daily expenses - Expense
> Register.

> It's nothing specific to GnuCash but the requirements were defined by
> GnuCash user (me) so you may find it useful.

Recently got new Android phone and would like to track expenses to be
imported into GnuCash later, so your app looks as the right one. ;)

> It is not very advanced (e.g. no account management, no QIF export) -
> more like specific notepad.

I see that it got nice reviews on the Market. It seems, considering
there is no QIF export, it's tailored for GC?

> The general assumption was to minimize effort required to register new
> expense so I will really do it regularly (e.g. you may take a picture
> of the receipt if you do not want to waste time to register all
> details through mobile).

Let me try it...

> It is completely free. No adds, no strange permissions required etc.


Thank you for your work.


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