Searching within splits
Colin Law
clanlaw at
Fri Jan 13 03:56:36 EST 2012
On 13 January 2012 06:18, prl <prl at> wrote:
> OK, I've found the problem. The search succeeds if I search the register
> that is the destination of the split entry (Expenses:Groceries:Supermarket).
> I was searching my bank register (Assets:Name-of-bank-account) where I enter
> the splits. I think this behaviour is implied in your email. I use splits as
> an alternative to an Assets:Wallet register, something I inherited from my
> previous Quicken setup. Perhaps I'll make the change next FY.
Just a note in case you did not realise, if you select the Accounts
tab before doing a search it will search the complete set of accounts.
> I clearly need to read GnuCash Help Section 7.1 Find Transactions in more
> detail, though I find the behaviour quite counter-intuitive. Perhaps that
> wouldn't be the case for an accounting maven. :)
> Thanks for your help. PEBCAK.
> Peter
> On 13/01/12 16:54, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 8:43 PM, prl wrote:
>>> Thanks for the quick reply, John, but searching on Memo instead of
>>> Description doesn't seem to work for me, even for strings I *know* are in
>>> splits (because I'm looking straight at them). I've checked that it's not a
>>> case sensitivity problem (the Case Insensitive? button is left pressed as in
>>> the default), and also I've tried using the correct case in the typed in
>>> match string, with both Case Insensitive pressed and not pressed.
>>> I'm doing the search by selecting the account I want to search (with no
>>> Search Results window in the accounts tabs), then pressing command-F and
>>> doing the search as described above. This seems to work as I expect for
>>> searches in transactions that aren't split. Whether I select New Search or
>>> Refine Current Search (the window default) doesn't seem to make a
>>> difference.
>> That's very odd. I just tested it and it worked as it should: I entered
>> "Reinvested Dividend" in the memo field of a split, moved to another
>> transaction to close the edit, then punched command-f and set the first
>> listbox to "memo" and the value to "dividend" and clicked on the "Find"
>> button. I was rewarded with a new register showing the transaction I had
>> just changed. This works both from the Accounts page and from a register for
>> the account with the modified memo field, but not from another account's
>> page.
>> Are you sure that the string you're searching for is in the memo field
>> and not the action or the notes field? (The last is a second text field in
>> transactions, visible only by enabling double-line mode.)
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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