Sharing GnuCash File

ANTHONY NELSON tonyn999 at
Sat Jan 14 11:39:27 EST 2012

Hi All,

I know that XLM GnuCash is not engineered to be a multiuser system.  Even so I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how two people might best share a single GnuCash file. 

I am thinking of placing the file in a dropbox folder and then working out some sort of procedure to prevent us from stepping on each other's work.  Perhaps when modifications are made the person modifying takes the file out of the dropbox until modifications are complete and then places the file back in, signaling that the file is again available for the other person to use?

Has anyone worked out a good system to get around the single-user nature of GnuCash?

-- Tony (tonyn999 at

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