Todays date format in invoice
Erik Haagensen
erik.haa at
Tue Jan 24 12:55:32 EST 2012
> Understood. The "make-date-row!" is formatting the table at the top
> where it says e.g. "Due Date: ...." which is where I think you're having
> your issue.
> Oh, wait.. the Today Date. That's set in the Report Options, on the
> Display page. However, it should default to the format you have set in
> File -> Properties, provided you create and run the report after you set
> that Property.
I've set up the Files->Properties->Business->Date format
correct and in advance.
Fancy date format-> Custom-> %d.%m.%Y
Like this:
Then I run the invoice print report
and the date is not like formatted as described above.
It's like this:
I can change that however, by typing in the format I wish it to be like.
I have to do this in the Print Invoice window - selecting Alternatives->
Show-> Todays Date Format -
Like in this dialog box:
and change to %d.%m.%Y
2012/1/24 Derek Atkins <warlord at>
> Erik Haagensen <erik.haa at> writes:
> >> Which invoice report do you use? Take a look at the definition of
> >> make-date-row! in that invoice report .scm file to see how it formats
> >> the date.
> >
> > .smc files !!!
> .scm, not .smc
> > Now I'm moving into a scary landscape !
> > Well - I use invoice.scm
> Okay, so you use the Printable Invoice. Okay.
> > and this is what I find searcing for make-date-row:
> >
> > (define (make-date-row! table label date)
> > (gnc:html-table-append-row!
> > table
> > (list
> > (string-append label ": ")
> > (string-expand (gnc-print-date date) #\space " "))))
> >
> > When I see the word "row" i get a little suspicious about if there is a
> > misunderstanding here.
> Nope, no misunderstanding.
> > Alle the rows in the invoice have correctly formatted dates.
> > I's the date that is below the section with my company name and address
> that's
> > wrongly formatted.
> >
> > All dates else are correct.
> Understood. The "make-date-row!" is formatting the table at the top
> where it says e.g. "Due Date: ...." which is where I think you're having
> your issue.
> Oh, wait.. the Today Date. That's set in the Report Options, on the
> Display page. However, it should default to the format you have set in
> File -> Properties, provided you create and run the report after you set
> that Property.
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
> warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
Erik Haagensen
NO-2550 Os i Østerdalen
tlf: +47 94430332
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