Lots of lots
Geert Janssens
janssens-geert at telenet.be
Sun Jan 29 15:18:42 EST 2012
Op zondag 8 januari 2012 09:02:20 schreef Hedley Finger:
> I stumbled across Lots in GnuCash Wiki, and then found an implementation
> plan. Is this actually implemented in GnuCash 2.4.8? If so, I can't find
> it anywhere.
> Or is this still a work in progress?
> By the way, it is a bugger to find because unfortunately the help files and
> the wiki are littered with phrases such as "GnuCash has lots of features"
> or "a lot of people are asking for inventory to be implemented". Perhaps
> someone can invent a program to sweep the forum archives, help files, and
> wiki to substitute "many" in these phrases. Just joking ... perhaps.
> Regards,
> Hedley
Lots are implemented in GnuCash indeed, but I don't know if everything
mentioned on the wiki page [1] is though.
I know that it is used in the business features to handle invoices and
payments (since I'm in the process of improving that area) and for capital
gains (which I don't know anything about).
Generally you can view the lots associated with an account by opening that
account's register and then select "Action -> View Lots". You have some
limited options there to manipulate lots, but I wouldn't advise this unless
you know what you are doing.
[1] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Concept_of_Lots
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