Loan : how to use the "future value" in a scheduled transaction ?
Yann Le Mouel
yann.lemouel at
Tue Jan 31 17:21:28 EST 2012
Hi Derrick
Well, no the instanceCount is equal to 14 for this gnc:schedxaction.
However, if I go to the corresponding gnc:transaction, here is an extract of
it :
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<slot:value type="frame">
<slot:value type="string"></slot:value>
<slot:value type="numeric">0/1</slot:value>
<slot:value type="string">ppmt( 0,03450 / 12,00 : i : 240,00 :
130000,00 : -46666,01 : 0 )</slot:value>
<slot:value type="numeric">240887/1000</slot:value>
which is really different from another with no future value :
<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
<slot:value type="frame">
<slot:value type="string">ppmt( 0,03350 / 12,00 : i : 240,00 :
70000,00 : 0 : 0 )</slot:value>
It looks like as if the "i" is not seen as a variable to be replaced by the
instanceCount when the future value is not equal to zero.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derrick Hudson [mailto:dman at]
> Sent: lundi 30 janvier 2012 23:56
> To: Yann Le Mouel; gnucash-user at
> Subject: RE: Loan : how to use the "future value" in a scheduled
> transaction ?
> Yann,
> The issue, then, is (probably) the instance count of your scheduled
> transaction. The instance count is not accessible in the GUI, as fa as I
> know. In the XML file, locate the <gnc:schedxaction> element for the
> scheduled transaction in question. Note the <sx:instanceCount> element in
> it. I recently experienced the effect when I edited my mortgage scheduled
> transaction to reflect the parameters after refinancing and needed to
> reset the instance count. Note that manually editing the file is, of
> course, not supported.
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