Unable to receive quote for CURRENCY:EUR

Mike Alexander mta at umich.edu
Thu Mar 1 01:56:03 EST 2012

--On February 28, 2012 3:43:22 AM -0800 Ian K <ik522000 at yahoo.co.uk> 

> Could someone explain how to apply these patches in Windows? I am
> able to locate and view/edit quote.pm, but have no idea what to do
> with these .diff files. Thanks!

If you don't have a patch program then you'll have to edit the relevant 
files and apply the patches by hand.  Lines in the patch that start 
with "-" represent lines that should be deleted from the file.  Lines 
starting with "+" should be added to the file.  Lines starting with " " 
are for context and should not be changed in the file.  The "+", "-", 
or " " are not part of the line and should not be entered into the 
file.  Liberal use of copy and paste can make this a little less error 


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