transaction report error

Russell Mercer rmercer206 at
Sat Mar 3 18:44:59 EST 2012


I have been running Gnucash for quite a few years now, and quite like it.
Recently, I've noticed what seems like an error when running a Transaction
Report from the Reports menu.  I am running it for tax purposes to see
income and expense from various accounts.  I include the memo/notes field
to help me with organization.  In reviewing the report, I noticed that some
of the notes were wrong.  I went into the proper account register and
changed them and then saved Gnucash.  I think refreshed the report.  When I
look at the same transaction in the report, it is still showing the old
information for the memo/notes field.  When I click on the total for that
entry, and it jumps to the account register, it shows the new information
that I entered.
Can someone explain why the transaction report is not pulling up to date
information from the account register?  It seems to be using some old
information stored in the xml file somewhere.  I have close and reopened
Gnucash to make sure that it wasn't being held in memory somewhere and the
problem is still occurring.

Any ideas, and a solution, would be appreciated.  If so recommended, I
would be happy to file a bug report as well.


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