Help wanted

Mike C. subscribe307 at
Wed Mar 21 09:47:38 EDT 2012

I have used Axcrypt for encryption that is available from
for some time. It is convenient to use on any file or folder.

On 3/20/2012 3:18 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:51:14 -0000 "Dan Moore" <Dan.Moore at> wrote:
>> Hello 
>> Can you tell me how to set up a pass word for my Gnucash account?
> You can't directly do that -- Gnucash itself does not support
> encryption and never will.  You can use an encrypted file system or use
> some sort of wrapper script to de-crypt and en-crypt the datafile (not
> really very secure).  You can also set up a password for your login
> (all major O/Ss support this).
>> Thanks
>> Dan

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