Selling stock

Dustin Henning The00Dustin at
Thu Mar 29 10:04:17 EDT 2012

I am not sure what the instructions mean (because I only looked at them
briefly and am not looking at them now).  As such, I am not sure how helpful
this will be, but when I started entering securities and wanted to capture
capital gains and losses I created two lines, the second line not having any
numbers except for the gain or loss (which I actually calculate in-line by
typing, in the sell column, the number of shares purchased divided by the
purchase price [with paranthesis and plusses separating multiple lots] minus
the number divided by the sell price [with paranthesis and minusses
separating multiple lots] in the far right [buy or sell price, don't
remember which] field).  If the number turns out to be negative, it moves it
to the buy column and makes it positive (with the appropriate end result).
The only thing I do other than that is delete the 1 from the numebr of
shares, leaving it blank.  I did it this way because I enter my trades by
importig ofx/qfx files from my broker and because multiple lots could be
involved in a single capital gain/loss entry (since my broker might sell the
shares in multiple lots off of one order).  If the instructions say to
create two splits, it will be two lines, and I lucked into doing it at least
partially right.  In this case, you would avoid the imbalance by specifiyng
the capital gain/loss account in the split.  If they say to create a
multi-split, it will be one line with the special marker indicating a
multi-split instead of telling the account the split is for.  In this case,
based on the fact that they mention a line with no shares, you would have
two lines indicating your security account, one line for your brokerage
cash/margin account, and one line for your capital gain/loss account.

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at] On Behalf Of
David Carlson
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 09:36
To: David Carlson
Cc: gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: Selling stock

On 3/29/2012 8:25 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> On 3/29/2012 1:49 AM, David T. wrote:
>> It is expected. Each split appears in the register; if there are two
splits for the same transaction, it will appear twice.
>> David
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> Hi,
> I was doing it wrong for a long time and now I am trying to go back 
> and fix recent sales transactions first.  When I try to add the 
> missing lines for capital gains, GnuCash wants to either apply the 
> dollar amount that should be in the commodity account to Imbalance-USD 
> if I tab repeatedly until I leave the transaction or to adjust the 
> number of shares if I use a new line for the additional commodity currency
>  Does this only work if completely entered from scratch rather than 
> edited in?
> Thanks
> David C

Additional question:  Should the dollar amount for the zeroed out commodity
account line show up in single line or double line view of the commodity


David C

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