How to check a Vendor Balance in GNUcash Win 2.4.1?

Dan Delventhal dandelventhal at
Thu Mar 29 21:26:57 EDT 2012

My goodness, the honeymoon is over. I have just paid a few invoices for a
vendor, and I can't figure out how to look at the vendor total payments and
balance. Vendor report says no vendor selected. Finding Vendor, I can only
view contact data. I have looked at help 3 times and can't find a clue. How
do I view vendor histories and payment totals please?
ftr, I love open source and was able to download, open balance and begin
operating a lawn care company for customer billing and vendor processing
within a day - very impressive. But I have hit the wall, thanks in advance.
I will be donating some money to the project soon, as I value supporting it
if it is a viable option and so far so good except for the head banging in
the last 10 minutes.

Dan "QuiMowte" Delventhal

*MowGreen: *15,000 lbs air pollution avoided (500,000 auto-mile equivalent
emissions) – 350 Acres of Grass Mowed With Out Gas!*

Values: *
Reduction, Ecology, Ethics, Life sustaining practices (REEL)
Respect, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Lasting value (REEL).
*Keep it REEL2℠*
*Mission: *
Get the Gas off the Grass..., Grow More Food, Less Grass.
*Vision: *
National Network of locally managed and centrally supported Gardening &
lawncare, with maximum REEL2℠.

Video on Reel Running and Resistance Reeling for Fitness

Video on HydroMow

Recent HydroMow Blog Post on Safelawns:<>

About MOWGreen.US:
MowGreen.US cuts pollution, gas consumption & spillage, noise, dust,
traffic, obesity, and unemployment with reel mower lawn services - at
similar prices as conventional “dirty” lawn care (5 to 10% of US air
pollution), while encouraging lawn reduction with native plants and organic
Established in 2007, MowGreen.US is in Westchester, Fairfield, & New Haven
Counties and expanding. MowGreen seeks territory owners/partners to grow,
offering modest licensing fees. Visit www.MOWGreen.US, or call 203-548-REEL

Dan Delventhal

203.209.5979 mobile
203.455.9995 office

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