Income and Expense Reports

James Kerr jim at
Tue May 1 07:02:25 EDT 2012

On 01/05/2012 11:13, Mark Donchek wrote:
> Under "expenses" I have over a dozen items such as groceries, gas,
> travel, etc. Each transaction under my credit card is associated with
> one of these expenses. So, every purchase made with that credit card
> is tied to one of those expenses. The credit card is nested under
> "liabilities". My checking acct is nested under "assets". When I run
> the report I get a breakdown of all the expenses associated with each
> line item from my checking statement but it seems all line items from
> my credit card statement are lumped under other.  Hope that
> clarifies.

I believe that expenses which amount to a small percentage of the total 
are aggregated under "other" in the pie chart. I've no idea what the 
cut-off point is, but obviously there is a limit to how many slices of 
the pie are displayed. (I don't know if this is customisable, and 
haven't experimented.) Perhaps this explains what you are seeing.


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