Transaction Register Problem

David Carlson carlson.dl at
Tue May 29 07:17:52 EDT 2012

Actually the problem appears to be a missing column for "Credits".  As a test, 
try creating a brand new file named ColumnTest and try changing the register 
views between single line and two line, etc..  This might help to get closer to 
the problem.

David C

From: Les <lelliott5 at>
To: Maf. King <maf at>
Cc: gnucash-user at
Sent: Tue, May 29, 2012 5:30:35 AM
Subject: Re: Transaction Register Problem

On 05/29/2012 02:15 AM, Maf. King wrote:
> On Mon 28 May 12 20:44:40 Les wrote:
>> Hey All:
>> I have a serious problem that I have been unable to resolve (including a
>> complete uninstall/reinstall).
>> I am on Mint Linux Debian v. 12 with Gnucash 2.4.10.
>> While trying to expand an expense register, I have somehow fubarred my
>> registers (all of them).
>> Before, the registers had the following columns for Assets:
>> Date, Num, Description, Transfer, R, Deposit, Withdrawal, Balance.
>> Now: Date, Num, Description, Transfer, R, Withd. Balance.
>> Before, for Expense accounts:
>> Date, Num Description, Transfer, R, Expense, Rebate, Balance.
>> Now:  Date, Num, Description, Tranfer, R, Rebat, Balance.
>> I have Mac with Gnucash v 2.4.10 installed and it is ok.  I have copied
>> the files from it to the Linux machine but no effect.
>> I then did a complete uninstall of Gnucash using Apt.  I then
>> reinstalled Guncash, used the gnucash files from the Mac and still no
>> effect.
>> There must be some way to resolve this problem.  Any help, greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Les
> Hi Les,
> Not exactly clear on what problem you are seeing  - you've given "before" 
> conditions above, but not a "current" condition.
> I'm going to have a guess, though.  Have you looked at this?
> Any use?
> HTH,
> Maf.
Thanks for the suggestion.  (The "now" condition is the current condition.)

That is the issue, but it did not work.  As a matter of fact, following
the instructions, I attempted to resize the columns made it worse.  Now
I have a huge description column and very small columns for the remainder. 

As a test, I created a new account, imported GC's accounts and
everything looks fine.  So, it appears to be a profile issue.  I have no
idea how to fix this.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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