filtering online banking transactions

josh jbuhl_nospam at
Sun Oct 21 04:26:29 EDT 2012


***********background information, possible to skip************
I've just managed to set up gnucash with aqbanking and the hbci
interface (I'm in Germany) to download my banking transactions.

In Germany people use direct bank transfers to pay bills, etc., and
direct withdrawals for paying many purchases using an "EC" bank card.
This results in the typical account having hundreds of transactions in a

So when I download my online transactions for the past year (that's how
long my bank keeps them available), I now have hundreds of transactions
in imbalanced that need to be associated with an account in gnucash and
I don't want to do this by hand, yet I can't find any way to automate this.

These transactions also have a comment associated with them telling you
what the transaction was for, etc. Many of these transactions, e.g. from
the supermarket, will have the same keyword in them (e.g. the name of
the supermarket.)

***********end background information********************

My questions are as follows:

1. Is there any way to set up a filter or similar in gnucash so that all
imported online-banking transactions containing a certain word will be
*automatically* associated with a certain account?

2. In gnucash you can search for all transactions containing a certain
word, but I've found no way to mark all these transactions and then set
the account for all of them in one go. Can this be done?

3. I tried just importing the data for one month and then associating
the accounts for these transactions and then importing the rest in the
hope that gnucash would automagically be able to suggest certain
accounts for similar transactions as had been previously sorted (this
would be like having an automagic filter.), but it didn't. Can this be done?

Thanks in advance for anybody's help!


Josh Buhl

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