Reporting and tags questions

Davide Imbeni davide.imbeni at
Sat Sep 15 04:38:33 EDT 2012


I'm using Gnucash for personal finance monitoring purposes since more than
10 years (!), and no need to add, I'm very happy with it.

One aspect in which I see room for improvement (at least for my use of it)
is reporting: I have 12 years of data, all in a big db (I never closed
books), and like to generate the same set of 10-15 reports every time I use
This leads to quite long loading times, of course, and I only need the old
data to be able to plot expenses trend per year and such.

This leads to my first question: is there a more efficient or smarter way
to deal with multi-years reports?
E.g, one could group all past expenses of the same type (all transaction
involving same two accounts?) and referring to the same (past) year in one
single transaction, which would reduce the current db size.
Or maybe one could have one db per year, with the ability to produce
multi-db reports.
Any suggestions or experience?

Using Gnucash mainly for keeping track of my expenses, I also would find it
very useful to be able to group them in more than one way. As it is now,
every expense belong to one single account, and reporting can only be based
on that. Would it be possible to add the possibility to mark single
expenses with additional tags (grouped in classifications), in order to
produce expense reports for every classification? Any other way to get the
same result?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ad a big thank to all developers for
their efforts and time!

Davide Imbeni

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