Reset Dialog Boxes Back to Default

Gail LaForest gail.laforest at
Tue Sep 25 19:38:43 EDT 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart McGraw [mailto:smcg4191 at] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 4:31 PM
To: gnucash-user at
Cc: Gail LaForest
Subject: Re: Reset Dialog Boxes Back to Default

On 09/25/2012 05:10 PM, Gail LaForest wrote:
> I have searched and searched for an answer to my still unanswered 
> question and so I am asking here.
> I was deleting a transaction in GnuCash and was tired of getting the 
> dialog box confirming each time, so I unchecked (or checked) the box 
> so that I would not be asked again.  The problem is I accidently 
> pressed the cancel button (I've been working on transferring all of my 
> business transactions to GnuCash and apparently I am more tired than I 
> thought).  Now I can't delete or cancel any transactions at all.  I've 
> looked everywhere that I can think of in GnuCash documentation and 
> have searched the web for the answer but no joy so far.
> How can I reset those dialog boxes back to the default of asking each
> Any help would be very much appreciated!  I will post if I find the 
> answer on my own.  Hopefully it's something simple that I am just not
seeing . . .

I had the same problem a couple weeks ago.  It took me a *long* time to
figure out (I thought Gnucash was broken)...

It in the menu under Actions -> Reset Warnings.

Thank you Stuart, I appreciate the reply.

It was very hard to find that.  Interestingly enough I've probably been past
that menu option a hundred times today.  I did find the write up in the Help
file under Customizing GnuCash, in section 9.5. Reset Warnings...

The trouble is there isn't anything written in section 9.5. that tells me to
go to Actions > Reset Warnings.  Maybe this email will help someone else
struggling with a niggling problem like this.

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