MACE exchange rate?

coolnodje coolnodje at
Sun Aug 11 21:26:32 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I'd like to be able to get the gold unit MACE exchange rate in Gnucash.

I've originally chosen XAU to track gold assets, thinking I could track
it as a currency, but I realised later that it is a different unit.

I've tried to setup an account as User-defined currency, according to
Help: 10.2.1. User-Defined Currencies.
But it seems I'll never be able to get the current value of those assets
with the getQuote module.

MACE seems pretty rare from what I can find on google, it's used in Hong
Kong, 10MACEs = 1TAEL.

Does anyone know how I could get the exchange rate for this unit ?
It doesn't seem to exist in Yahoo! Finance. I can find it on

Best regards

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