One reason why gnucash will not start because of corupt XML file

Keith tunerchip at
Tue Aug 27 13:29:39 EDT 2013

No sure if this is the correct place to report this however it may save 
someone a lot of time
I download CVS files from paypal and import them into gnucash
This works a treat however after doing several files and closing down 
When I came to start up gnucah it would not start and reported parse 
error in XML file loading at startup
When I closed it down it was working fine showing all the imports OK

Anyway basically what was happining , I had sold some stuff to china and 
the downloaded CVS files from paypal contained some unreadable chinese 
characters, these unreadable characters were then writen into the XML 
file when I imported them , then when the program was closed then 
restarted it hit a parse error with the XML files ,the none readable 
characters must be control characters in the XML.
The solution untill a developer puts a filter into the import is to put 
the Imported CVS into Notepad++ and replace none readable charecters 
with the Notpad++ TextFX plugin
this swaps all none readable characters except the CR LF

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