Changing LC_MONETARY does not affect number format

Derek Atkins derek at
Sun Dec 29 09:05:12 EST 2013


On Sun, December 29, 2013 4:43 am, Mario G wrote:
> I've installed the latest version of gnucash on my computer. I need to
> have "." as a decimal separator because I'd like to use the keypad to
> enter numbers, without having to switch to the other portion of the
> keyboard to enter the comma.
> Setting LC_MONETARY=en_US in the environment file (I'm using Windows
> 8.1) does not change anything: numbers are displayed like "1.055,23",
> "0,15" while I'd like them to be displayed as "1 055.23" and "0.15".
> I have this in the environment file:
> # If you wish GnuCash to use a different language, uncomment the two
> parameters
> # below and set LANG to your preferred locale
> LANG=en_US
> If I change LANG=en_US to LANG=it_IT I have italian language for the
> interface and the same number format.
> If I put LC_MONETARY=en_US after the lines shown above, nothing changes.
> I also tried LC_MONETARY=de_CH without result.
> Can you help me?

LC_MONETARY affects the locale currency (i.e. which currency gets a
currency symbol).  You probably want to set LC_NUMERIC.

> Thanks
> Mario

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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