Balance sheet does not tally

Alun Champion alun at
Tue Dec 31 13:18:32 EST 2013

Which version of Gnucash are you using?
In the latest (2.5.X & 2.6.X) I found a lot of my multi-currency
transactions were not balancing (I use trading accounts). I had to
manually edit the exchange rate for all the unbalanced ones. It seems
that Gnucash 2.4 didn't validate the exchange rate and allowed me to
manually enter the splits of foreign transactions. When the exchange
rate was fixed the same transaction then balanced.
Account $: 150
Account £: -100
Trading:Currency:USD: -$150
Trading:Currency:GBP: £100

Balanced in 2.4, unbalanced in 2.5/2.6 until I fixed the exchange rate to 1.5

On 30 December 2013 11:59, Jitendra Kothari <jitkothari at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Gnucash with 2 currencies for last 4 years.
> The issue I face is the balance sheet does not tally, tried using trading
> account.
> What steps can i do find the reason behind the difference.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Jiten
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