Merging 2 gnucash files

Lukas Haase lukashaase at
Mon Feb 25 14:32:02 EST 2013

On 2013-02-25 08:24, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Lukas Haase <lukashaase at> writes:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to merge 2 gnucash files?
>> For the start, it would be enough that the second file is imported in a
>> large "File 2" account from the first file.
> There is no direct way.

Oh, that's no good news :(

> One potential approach is to use Gnucash2QIF to convert one data file to
> QIF, and then use the QIF importer to include it in the second file.

Is QIF "robust" enough?

I have not much experience with it but what I know so far is that it is
more like CSV for a Spreadsheet ... so only one table, problems with
formats, settings etc.

Does it also mean I have to import/export each individual account?

Are transactions linked from one account to another?
Are split transactions stably handled?

>> Thanks,
>> Luke

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